This is my story


My story may seem pretty mild but it still affected me and hurt me. During Primary School from the ages 7-12 i was the target of bullying. It wasn’t majorly bad but I dreaded it when a certain person came near me. She was the leader of the girls in our class and controlled what everyone did and what they were allowed to do during break and lunch. we were only young and naive but i really hated the way she controlled everything. the other girls didn’t mind but i was an independent person and wanted to do what i wanted to do so i did and wasp really hated that. she wanted to lead the girls. she was also jealous of me, of what i dont know. anyway we had these events that we all got together with, all the people in the school and their parents and did a kind of market day in the school. I really hated these days because she would follow me around when i was on my own and call me names and laugh at me. she would sometimes do this to me at school. any way i did tell my parents and they helped me put up with this. all she wanted was a reaction and i didnt give her that so she soon stopped. the thing that really bugged me was that she would pretend to be my friend. as i go to a private school we go on buses to the school as it is about 40-50 mins away. the girls on my bus really hated me and gave me problems all journey long. they didnt as much say things but when i tried to join in they cut me off and made sarcastic comments to me all the time. it took ages to build up a relationship with them and the relationship is very fragile and one word wrong and they would be at me again. they still talk about me behind my back now but it isn’t as bad…it’s just catty jealousy, i dont bother about them anymore. it was terribly hard those first few months with them. my parents really helped and we invited those girls round together to build up a relationship. there were 3 girls, 2 were sisters and the other one was a first cousin to them. they were fine when i was with just the sisters but when they got together with the other girl they were horrid!!! then when i was 12 and just started senior years the 2 class bullies, lets call them “1 and 2” decided that i was going out with half the boys in my class. this was not true as i didn’t even have a boyfriend!! they pestered me all day long and in the end i told my class teacher. they really hurt me. my class teacher was really good and i haven’t had hassle from them since i told the teacher. if i get it now i just laugh it off with a joke. it doesnt hurt much now. IF YOU ARE BEING BULLIED TELL SOMEONE!!! ITS THE BEST THING TO DO! STAY STRONG DONT BREAK DOWN THATS WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO. TAKE COURAGE…..AND BE HAPPY! SMILE, HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH, BE CONFIDENT!!