There is hope


I know what it is liked to be bullied. I have been by people at school, and even my family. Everyone in my family has also gone through bullying. People can be really mean. They can do and say things that really really really hurt. Like so many others, I wanted everything to stop. I wanted all the pain, brokenness, sorrow, and the feeling of being alone to go away. I thought the only way I could do that was by suicide. I didn’t want to die, I just wanted everything to be over. I felt so worthless and horrible. I would try to hide my emotions by being mean to my family, and by pretending I was angry when really I was hurt, sad, and frustrated. I didn’t think this would ever get better. I had major depressive disorder(depression), and anxiety. I didn’t know what to do. I know that Christ is wanting to reach out to us and help us more than he wants anything. He loves us more than anything. He knows who you are, each and every one of you. He knows your name. He knows what you are going through and how you feel. He’s there for you! Believing and trusting in Christ has helped me so much. My life didn’t get better immediately, but it did over time as I came to know Christ and read the scriptures and prayed. There is always hope. Don’t worry, and don’t give up. Keep living because you deserve it. You deserve good things and if you keep pushing, good things will come. I believe in you. I really do.