Sometimes, I was the bully


Once, in Second grade, me and my two best friends got into some arguing. But, I was mostly arguing with my one friend, S. One time, on the bus, I kept bugging her, and when she finally responded I growled at her and glared like SHE was being the bully. One day at recess, she actually stood up to me. She told me, “How would you feel if I sent you mean things like ‘I don’t want to be your friend anymore’?” I remember crying, and apologizing, but when I look back, I feel like I was only crying for pity. I was convinced that I was the reason she moved that next year. When she moved, I was positive it was my fault, after all, I was really rude to her, and I talked and was a lot more nice to my other friend, Amy.

Another time in fifth grade, me and some friends decided to make a secret club about hating the most popular girl in our grade. (I’ll call her… M.) The only thing we ever did in this club was talk about how rude she could be, because sometimes she really could be. But… she found out. And we all got sent to the counselors office (including M) to talk. I felt so awful I could hardly think straight. Before we had to go to the counselors office, the teacher made us fill out a paper about why we made up this club. All I can remember was putting on that paper, that I was willing to take any punishment and I was extremely sorry, because I was. When we were in the counselors office, I could tell M was upset, which made me feel bad. A few of us people that made up the club actually cried. (I didn’t, but I could’ve.) I remember us all apologizing, and M talking about how it made her feel bad. Which made me feel worse. I was pretty sure I cried that night wishing I’d never done that.
Sometimes, I was the bully. And I remember looking back and thinking about all those time that I would watch or hear things like ‘don’t bully’ or ‘be kind’. For a little while, I was a bully without even realizing that.
My message to you is, don’t bully. It makes everything worse. Now, I’ve made sure to be as nice as possible. And sometimes, I do lose my temper… but, I’m only human.
Bullying is not the answer, I know from experience.