

I have been really hesitant to share my story but I think it is time no one knows my complete story and I am tired of hiding it. So my bullying story started in 6th grade when I transferred schools, it started very mild just small things by just belittling everything I said like I wasn’t important at the time this felt huge but in reality that was just the beginning. My 7th grade year is when things got bad I was told I was fat and needed to lose weight I was 4”11 and 85 pounds. This started me going days without food and running countless miles. Also that year I lost my closest friend because of jealousy (that’s a different story that is very long and hard to explain). 8th grade rolled around and I was starving myself more and more because I was “fat” this year I was 5”4” and 95 I didn’t understand that they people were joking with me but it doesn’t matter if your joking it still leaves bullet holes. I was told on the daily that I was b—-,slut,ugly,fat and untalented. I couldn’t handle it. 9th grade year I stopped starving myself because I realized I wasn’t fat and needed to eat. But I started self harming at this point the bullying had ended but I was still in pain no one wanted to be my friend. January of my 9th grade year I got sick and ended up being hospitalized for about a month no one came and visited me. I was pulled out of school for missing so much and I thought I would finally have hope. But no the comments people had said over the years just kept ringing in my head. I was seriously thinking about ending my life. Now I am 16 and a junior in a new high school who is much better I still have a lot to my story but there is not enough space in the world to say everything but this helped me finally tell what happened to me. I know others have worse stories but this is mine.