My bullying experience.


It all started when my parents divorced and me, my mom and my brother had to move into a small town. I was in 4th grade then. At my first day of school, I immediately received negative remarks about how weak I was and everyone called me “four-eyes” for wearing glasses. I didn’t pay much attention to it, but I soon noticed how I had little to no friends at my class. My said “current friends” at the time tried to be distant to me as well. That made me feel really bad.

Fast forward to 5th grade, this boy who was tougher than me began to pick on me. Usually escalating into fighting and the school staff didn’t do anything about it but give a mere warning. I would constantly get my ass kicked and beat up because I was… well, physically weak. I had no arm strength. I didn’t know how to fight back.
In 6th grade, another boy came to our school and I felt like I made a friend! We were actually really good friends and he would stand up for me whenever in need, that stopped the bullying and made my situation better, it really did! …Until 7th grade. Our friendship suddenly fell apart as he became friends with this stronger group of boys, the school was basically afraid of them. My ex-bully began to bully me again, and guess what? My ex-friend and his group of friends joined in.
Up until 8th grade, I actually stood up to my old bully and whooped his arse, but the stronger boys would begin to bully me even harder. I would constantly be pushed to my limits to the point I almost cried and, in their point of view, humiliated myself. They would begin to bully me in classrooms when the teachers are not looking or are away for a moment. I felt depressed at that moment. I still do. Constantly I come back home and cry to myself and usually spend time alone because I literally have no friends around me.

Maybe one day that will change, but for now, I resort to cutting from time to time, even though I know it’s stupid. I feel like there’s no hope, even though I know that I can put a stop to this. I just don’t know how… Yet.