Life is totally what you make it!


When I was a kid in elementary school, I found myself to be easily excited and happy. Little did I know the kids around me tugged at my hair, teased me about my love life and laughed when I spoke. As I grew older middle school was just a place to wreck me. People judged me for the smallest of things- mostly a loser.
But as I went to high school, It is the act of judgment: a form which leads to bullying, my physical looks of an Asian Indian girl with puffy hair, glasses, slightly bigger eyes and nose, no makeup, was an indicator of a weakness. I was lonely and wanted to badly fit in so I went on social media random FB messaging and therefore got ridiculed and eventually ostracized and labeled as some loser. But it was what I realized I was never one because others judgments won’t matter. I’m not a clone of society, I’m just me.

Another truth: It is also more about how people judge one another without knowing them first