
Hi, I’m Z. I’m 16 years old.  At school, everyone would alienate me, they won’t let me be friends with them. And if I thought they were my friends, they were just faking it. I really don’t understand why they hate so much. Is it because I’m related to the school’s founder? Or that I smelled bad? Or that I lived the farthest from the school? Or that my family isn’t that rich compared to theirs? I just don’t understand. I endured all the bullying, sure it was hard at first hearing someone say that no one likes me in a group chat or they’d publicly talk bad things about me online, I endured it all and never told my parents. I don’t know why but I never had the confidence to tell them about my problems. I had so much trouble fitting in and trying so hard to be liked by everyone. No one in the school liked me, even my older sister was embarrassed that I was her sister. After 4 long years of enduring of being bullied, I tried opening up my problems to my parents. I thought they were going to comfort me, I thought they were going to give me advice, but I was wrong. They yelled at me and told me that it’s my fault as to why they don’t like me, and that I give them a bad vibe. During that time, all I was thinking was: when and where will I ever be safe to be open about how I feel? I remember when I had a problem way before my confrontation with them, they told me that they are always there to listen to my problems whenever I am in need of someone to talk to. But boy was I wrong.