
When I started 6th Grade I was happy. Two weeks later I was depressed and suicidal. The thing that really struck me was that I didn’t know them and they didn’t know me! But that didn’t stop them, no they hit me and called me names I not dare write. One time the bully kicked me in the shin and I tripped. I asked him why he did that, he said because I was a fat nerd and I deserved it. Then he shoved me against the wall and told me my life was worthless and no one loved me. I asked how I could make him stop. He said to kill my self. I’ve always had severe anxiety and was afraid to tell anyone and when I did they told me to suck it up. When I finally told my parents, they contacted the school administration and they said they couldn’t do anything. So my parents decided to homeschool me and I’m still recovering from the bullying two years later and yet I don’t feel better.