I Care Because…

  • Nobody deserves to be hurt, because you don't know when someone is having a bad time and if you make them bullying they will feel worse than they are already ...

    Jefferson — 12
  • I care about bullying because people are hurt physically or mentally in the process. No one should be bullied for how they look like or think, because everyone can think and dress how they want to.

    Ankit and Marc — 13
  • We are worried because we were bullied since childhood. Just because we were from another country. Also because we had better grades than them. By this we mean that we are concerned because what we have experienced can happen to anyone. Because we don't want other people to happen because it's the worst thing that can happen, because it gives you insecurity and fear.

    Alysson — 13
  • The bullying is bad because violence is not good for and because you make others feel bad.
    If you don't like bullying, don't do it.

  • I care about bullying because in primary school I received bullying from classmates, for example, they pushed me down the stairs, they threw my material on the floor, they threw my table on the floor with everything, that's why we need people who act, and less spectators. We also thought that it should stop because there are people who, because of what has happened to them in the past, may now have problems with their mental health and with their romantic or friendly relationships.

    Ikhlas —
  • I care about bullying because no-one deserves to be abused and be afraid of anyone. No-one deserves to be bullied for having another color skin. For example, no-one deserves to be insulted for no reason or to be hit, we all deserve respect.

    Sergi — 13
  • I care because if you put yourself in the situation of the victim you will see that bullying makes you feel very bad, that is why it is important to end the bullying as fast as possible. With bullying the only thing you do is make that person feel insecure, despised and anxious.You should not bully any type of person.

    Oscar —
  • For us bullying should not exist, and you should not do it or convince anyone to do it, since you are playing with the childhood or adolescence of another person who can end up doing very bad things to himself and to other people. Bullying can cause you many consequences and one of them is to lose friends or even get into many serious problems.

    ITZEL — 14
  • because kids get hurt when they get bullied and I feel sad for them I just wish there is no more bullying anywhere.

    jake —
  • I get bullied for no reason
