I Care Because…

  • "Your life doesn't get better by chance it gets better by change" Read again.

    Ralph — 16
  • I care because my friends and family are important and I want them to feel loved.

    Chelsey —
  • I care because people who get bullied are people who care about themselves and are insecure about themselves and I want to be able to stop bullying because it is hurt and harmful

    Amelia — 17
  • You never know what a person is going through. It could really hurt someone and they can hurt themselves due to the fact that they are bullied. If you see someone being bullied help them because what if that was you? Please stop the hate.

    Aliyah 💗 — 13
  • i care because i'm being bullied and i know how much it can be harmful

    bel — 12
  • I care because nobody should be a victim of bullying. Based on my personal experiences, people are hurt mentally and emotionally because of bullying daily. Someone I am very close to hurt themselves because of a bully, and I don’t feel like people take it very seriously. By preventing bullying, you at least get a bit of justice knowing that you helped someone who was being hurt. Bullying isn’t a joke.
    “Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.”
    -Benjamin Disraeli

    Gwen — 11
  • When people bully you, it puts you in a dark or bad headspace.

    Freddie — 11
  • We live in a society that bullies for fun or higher status

    Nena — 15
  • Bullying is bad, it hurts my feelings because I've been bullied before. Bullying is wrong, it shouldn't be so common in the USA, i'm tired of being bullied, it's time we put a stop to it.

    Jayden — 13
  • bullying is bad

    kaeleb —