I Care Because…

  • Bullying should be stopped because it is not okay and it can really hurt someone's feelings so you need to treat someone the way that you want to be treated.

    Aubrey — 11
  • No one should ever have to deal with something like this alone, and should have help to stop it. Because no one deserves to be bullied, we all should treat each other equally despite race, age, grade, gender, and disabilities.

    Roland — 15
  • Speak to someone . don’t stay alone . You are beautiful .they are jealous .

    Mathilde,clemence,lily-rose — 12-13
  • Hello you are very courageous.
    We want to help you. Talk to adults.
    You are beautiful.

    Nolan , rafael — 12
  • I know its not easy but break the glass !
    Tell your parents or your friends about this !
    Stand up for you !

    Emmie, Meïssa, Fyfy — 13, 12
  • Bullying is bad and can make kids and teens want to harm themselves.

    Sam — 13
  • being kind and stopping bullying can make everyone happier and you'll have more great friends that will always be there for you.

    sarah — 13
  • You shouldn’t give up.
    You should have the courage to speak to people you know
    You are courageous
    You don’t deserve this

    Gauthier and Bastien — 12
  • I care because it's wrong for someone to have to deal with bullying when they might be going through enough at home.

    Angel — 12
  • I think that people should stop bullying because it can make people depressed.

    Hunter — 12