I Care Because…

  • Did somebody bully you I would like tell a teacher or my dad or family members

    Egypt — 13
  • i care because everyone that gets bullied like me gets hurt or has anxiety and flinches and are scared to go to school

    vivienne — 12
  • People don't deserve to be hurt in this kind of way or any for that matter

    Jacob — 16
  • I hate bullying it sucks I get bulled at school I don't like it.

    william — 13
  • Bullies just do whatever they want and walking away and ignoring them doesn't even work. Their parents just don't give a fudge and it goes on to the point where you gotta make threats just for them to leave you alone because schools don't do cents. No one should go through that. If you bully you better learn to stop because you may mess with the wrong kid one day.

    Lia — 15
  • bullies should be stopped because there's so many kids that get bullied and the only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them.

    hayley t. — 12
  • Bullying should be stop because there's so many kids making fun of other people and even saying bad stuff to them to make them sad.

    Natalia — 12/13
  • If you are bullied you shouldn’t stay alone. Don’t listen to them they're idiots. Don’t think about it talk to people you trust. Your family is there for you they will always be. You are cute. You are courageous.

    Lucas, Louann, Anaïck — 13 years
  • Hello my friend ! Break the glass . You are beautiful ! Talk to someone. You shouldn’t listen to them anymore . Live your Life.

    Julio, Emma, Anton — 12
  • Bullying should be stopped because it is not okay and it can really hurt someone's feelings so you need to treat someone the way that you want to be treated.

    Aubrey — 11